


Unix Notes

(Commands and Options you should know)

To know a Unix system, you must explore it's installed programs & filesystem (often much is installed, many users bang away at it and some software no longer works so it's easier to learn what's important on a simpler, smaller 1-user install ie Linux) "unix philosophy: lot of little tools, each doing 1 job very well, can be chained [or rather, 'piped'] together in an infinite number of combinations in order to automate any task." Echoes all commands on your path: tab,tab at a blank prompt (bash) OR ls `echo $path` | sort (csh) OR /bin/ls `echo $PATH | tr : \ ` | sort OR /bin/ls `echo $PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'` | sort [man -k intro] # SunOS documentation File/Disk Manipulation: cd <newdir> ls -AF --colour [-lrt] [-1] [-l|-lu|-lc] pwd ($PWD) cmu: create, modify, use timestamps (aka a=access) ls -lc: not really creation time, actually inode change time mv: doesn't alter cmu cp: alters u of src, mc of dest ln: alters cmu of link, none of src links: get u updated on each deref/symbolic-lookup chmod/chgrp/chown gzip+gunzip: alters c tar/untar: alters cu to time of unarc (of dest, alters nothing of src) vi/cat: alters u vi-save: alters cmu touch: alters c to now, mu to now/whatever-specified cp [-r] [-dpRx|-ax] [-l|-s] [-u] <from...> <to> rcp mv <from...> <to> rm [-r] <file/dir> rmdir <dir> mkdir [-p] <dir> (-p makes any needed parent dirs) pico|vi|emacs [file] ln -s <src> <dest> ln src/* src/.* dest/ (make dest/ contain links to everything in src/) unused files: ls -lu[r]t run util, find util/ -amin +1 | xargs rm find <path> [condition-args] [2>/dev/null] locate(updatedb) [glimpse - like locate but for file contents] (see findnotes, find is powerful) xargs [-i{}] [-n1] [-l1] cmd # runs "cmd <line>" for each line in input (brilliant, use w/find) # Warning: don't use -i with -n or -l (-i turns -n on automatically?) # Note: xargs is just for convenience, for complex stuff, use awk|sh eg awk '{print "echo $0; grep $0 file"}' | sh eg find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep foo # search all files rec down from curdir for "foo" (trick to force nulls: perl -pe 's/\n/\0/' | xargs -0) cat -vet # shows nulls/tabs/LF/CR strings echo ABCD | od -t a # output: 0000000 A B C D nl echo ABCD | od -t dC # output: 0000000 65 66 67 68 10 od -t x2 HelloWorld.class # CAFEBABE (hex) od -t u HelloWorld.class # Unsigned words(2b) od -t u2 HelloWorld.class # Unsigned bytes(1b) [bpe] # hex-ed/patcher (linux) [biew vche khexdit ghex] # hex ed's chmod [-R] ugo +/- rwx <files...> # Common: 755 644 711 777 chmod u=g * [stat <file> -- like ls -l] file perms: sticky=text-mem is saved, fast startup after the first run dir perms: rx=list, x=access-no-list, w+sticky=/tmp -- write but not to other users' files chown user[.group] <files> chgrp chroot new_root_path [command] # use a new root dir chroot /mnt /bin/bash # Run bash using mnt as root (eg mnt is a glibc install, bootdisk isn't) pushd ~; ...; popd # goes to homedir, then later returns (dirs -l displays dir-stack) tar <-tvf|-cvf|-xvf> arc.tar [files...] gzip [-9] file.txt (becomes file.txt.gz, file.txt gone) gunzip file.txt.gz gzip -dc arc.tgz | tar -xvvof - tar -cvf - dir | gzip -9 >arc.tgz tar -uvf arc.tar dir zip -ru arc.zip dir # Update (only newer files) from File System tar -t[v]f file.tar tar -df file.tar # view/diff-with-file-system tar -xzvf - arc.tgz tar -czvf - dir # tar's "z" option replaces gzip gzip -dc arc.tgz | tar -t[v] tar -tzvf - arc.tgz #ls contents tar cf - . | zip a - == tar cf - . | zip >a.zip # tar&zip unzip -p a.zip | tar xvf - . # unzip&untar zip -r a.zip a/ # zip dir recursively zip a.zip *.c # zip files find . | zip a.zip -@ # zip files from a find unzip -l f.zip # list archive contents unzip f.zip # unzip archive .gz:gzip(better than compress?) .Z:compress zless zmore zdiff zcmp gzexe(compress exe, unarcs on run) pax(Posix cpio/tar/other, portable archive interchange) bzip2(better than gzip) # cpio(kinda like tar) find . | cpio -o >../arc.cpio cat ../arc.cpio | cpio -itv # list contents of cpio cat ../arc.cpio | cpio -iumd # unarc (just -i works in simple cases) Note about tar (and unarcing "packages" from root eg converted rpms) -k: keep overwritten file's ownership, doesn't make /etc /usr /bin RO if the arc says to! -p: preserve permissions (default is some screwed up heuristic??) Would you like to have the tar-gz not overwrite /etc /usr ownership? TOO BAD!! file <files...> which(where,whence) <cmd> whereis <exe> # find the binary/exe, src, man-pages what <exe> # exe's ident eg:char *ident="Version: @(#)/etc/hosts.allow 1.00 05/28/93" <<ends in quote/lf/nul #ident @(#)which.csh 1.2 92/07/14 SMI ><< gnu supports #ident directive man -k <keyword> apropos <keyword> whatis <keyword> # keyword, simple help makewhatis(run like updatedb) files: <mandir>/whatis man <cmd> | less # now search highlights matches Tip: "/^ *foo" finds foo, first thing on the line manual man: echo $MANPATH | tr : \\n | xargs -i find {} -name ld\* [-maxdepth 1] man filters: nroff -man groff -Tascii -mandoc Sun: ... | tbl | eqn | nroff -u0 -Tlp -man - | col -x Linux: cat /usr/man/man1/chattr.1.gz | gzip -dc | /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/groff -S -Tascii -mandoc | less man -f <name> # lists filenames/sections of manual man -f: echo $MANPATH | tr : \\n | xargs -i grep -i '^ls ' {}/whatis # whatis or try windex touch [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] [-r <file>] <file(s)...> cksum[/md5sum][/sum] <file> mdir mcopy mcd mdel [eject] # dos formatted floppy commands fdformat -n /dev/fd0u1440 # low level format mformat A: # Add msdos fs to low-level formatted disk (like dos format /q a:) mke2fs /dev/fd0 # Add ext2 fs to low-level formatted disk df [-k] [.] du -s * du -s . du -x / >du_all dd if=<file> of=<file> [count=#] [bs=#] [skip=#] [seek=#] # skip/ibs seek/obs mount [[-t vfat|ext2|iso9660] <device> <mount_point> eg mount /dev/hda1 /c fsck|e2fsck|fsck.ext2 <eg /dev/hda8> mke2fs,mk*fs fdisk(*cfdisk sfdisk) fdformat format superformat badblocks /dev/fd0H1440 1440 > bad-blocks fsck -t ext2 -l bad-blocks /dev/fd0H1440 lpr lpq lprm lp lpstat cancel lpset lpget # printing a2ps # ie cat f.ps | a2ps | lpq (try apropos ps) enscript pstext psbook psnup ps2ps ps* pbmtext p?m* fix* (ex fixwfwps WordForWindows) NFS: rpcinfo -p showmount -e nfsstat? rpcclient? (NFS progs: /usr/sbin/portmap /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd) tripwire/aide: makes listing(name/date/size/cksum/...) of filesystem (later checks tell altered files = brilliant security measure, similar brilliancy to backups) (beware of a much-changing filesystem eg power Linux user eg homedirs of many people) cksum /etc/* /sbin/* /bin/* >corefiles.cksum cksum many_files | cksum - # generate a cksum of cksums [quota [-v]] mc # Midnight Commander (like Norton Commander -- 2-panel text-mode file move/copy/etc util) Text Manipulation: grep awk sed tr perl [states] # like awk but with states (eg for highlighting) perl -de0 (debug mode, allows interactive input/execution) cat|perl - (reads perl code^Dreads input^D) perl -pi'' -e 's/foo/bar/g' * Search&Replace on files find . -name '*.bak' -print0 | perl -n0e unlink #rm's .bak files grep [-l|-n|-c|-r] pat files (filenames,line#s,counts,recurse) # '-v'=not '-e'=or(sort of) '-f <file>'=patterns 1 per line from file # context option(also shows nearby lines): -# or -C[#] eg grep -2 foo * In grep: ^ $ . * \( \) [ \{ \} \ \+ \| $ (may need \$ in shell) (glob-likes are unslashed) * In egrep: | ^ $ . * + ? ( ) [ { } \ vi/sed: ^ $ . * \( \) [ \ \< \> [:alpha:] Any alphabetic character [:lower:] Any lowercase character [:upper:] Any uppercase character [:digit:] Any digit [:alnum:] Any alphanumeric character (alphabetic or digit) [:space:] Any white space character (space, tab, vertical tab) [:graph:] Any printable character, except space [:print:] Any printable character, including the space [:punct:] Any punctuation (i.e., a printable character that is not white space or alphanumeric) [:cntrl:] Any nonprintable character eg fgrep -e cat -e dog # '-e' means 'or' paste <files> (in columns) tr [:cntrl:] [.*] # dump a binary file (removing unprintable ctrl chars) tee <file> (send output to both stdout and to a file) uniq [-c] (remove duplicate lines) wc [-l|-c|-w] [files] (word count) fmt [-u|-t] (word wraps text, may need a sed 's/ *//' before it to erase indent, -u=respace, -t=dif-para-logic) fold [-s] # splits long lines (80 chars, -s=split at word-boundary) tput <capname> (termcap function, see "man terminfo" eg lines,cols,clear; also "man console_codes") [un]expand tabs>spaces or vice versa (using tab-stop logic) [column -t (forces data into a table)] cut <-c3-5,7-9|-f1,3> [-d delim] <files...> match/remove char-columns: awk 'substr($0,n,1)=="c"' colrm [colFrom [colTo]] sort -brnf -t ":" +2.3 # ignore blanks, reverse, interpret as decimal number, ignore case, field 2, char 3 tac # reverse lines rev # reverse chars on each line [tsort (topological sort?)] tail [-f] [-c [+]N | <+|->N] head <-n|-c> N split join csplit(regexs) split -b 1457664 backup.tar.gz myfiles. csplit -k gdb.out "/(gdb)/" "{999}" dirname basename name [suffix] nl [-ba] # Number Lines, like 'cat -n' sed -e 's/foo/bar/g;s/bar/foo/g' sed -n 's/foo/bar/gp' # -n=noPrint(print only matched lines?), p=print sed -e '/junk/d' # delete diff patch diff3 comm cmp [splat replace (rare search&replace utils)] diff [-c|u] [-d] [-s] [-q] [-p] file1 file2 diff [-r] dir1 dir2 [filemerge <f1> <f2> (nice X-based merge util)] uuencode uudecode [mimencode/mmencode, replaces uu*code] [des] # des encrypt less more # v=vi /,?=search q=quit rtn/space=scroll b=back #d=skip # lines(goto) less: gGm' -N -n : line numbering hotkey in less (on/off) left/right shift the document too :<#lines> script (logs this tty, like "$SHELL | tee log") [cryptdir] [crypt] (encrypts a file, breakable by an expert, use PGP instead) [ssleay] # Encrypt/Decrypt (blowfish des_ede3 rc2 rc4) gettext [domain] <msgid> # SunOS CLI formatted-input commands: (ck*) ckyorn(Y/N) ckpath ckdate cktime ckuid ckgid ckint ckrange(eg2-6) ckstr item=`ckitem -f menu_list` # choose a number from a numbered menu FMLI: Form and Menu Language Interpreter # SunOS script lang $COLUMNS, $LINES (automatic shell vars for screen size) ==/=, !=: string csh/sh(test), numeric perl >, <=..: numeric csh/perl eq gt..: string perl -eq -gt..: numeric sh(test) test: -f file -d dir -r|-w|-x file|dir -a=and,-o=or # Why "a$VAR = a" sh-scripting convention exists: [ $FOO = "" ] # fails (under old sh) [ $FOO = "FOO" ] # fails when FOO="" [ a$FOO = a ] # works About users: w uptime who ps users top [pstree] [ico (X gfx demo for speed comparison)] id uname [-a] tty hostname $LOGNAME $SHELL logname whoami [$USER] env # displays environment env -i [command] # runs command with no env unset `env | sed 's/=.*//'` # clears bash env env >env.mar30.FooCompEnv source env.mar30.FooCompEnv # fails if any var-values contain spaces/$/! # To handle spaces/weird-chars: (do either one) env | sed -e 's/=\(.*\)$/="\1"/' >env; source env env >env; eval `sed -e 's/=\(.*\)$/="\1"/' <env` printenv su [-] ><username> [login] # Switch to another account (see /etc/suauth) [sudo] # just like su only it "remembers the password" for you for a short while passwd chsh ch* [mkpasswd] ps -ef, ps auwx, ps cx ps -e[f]H, ps -eHo "%P %U %y %c %a", ps -a, ps -efH | fgrep -v -e \? -e getty [pstree] last [-50] [username] # last logins to the computer lastlog # last login by each person to the computer rwho rusers ruptime rup yppasswd ypmatch ypcat [-x|uid passwd] Client/Server: ypbind Server: ypinit -m ypmake ypserv vmstat dmesg procinfo(linux) iostat(SR5) [pstat] [mpstat] [free] # Linux mem info [sag] # (SR5) system activity graph [sar] # (SR5)system activity reporter kill -<0|1=HUP|2=INT|9=KILL> <pid> # 0=pid used? 15=TERM=default kill -9 -1 # kill all but current pid ldapsearch [-L] -h `findDSA` [-b "o=*"] "(cn=Jo*)" # `findDSA` should return the local LDAP server # (look for this in a LDAP-enabled mail client) # -b has a default, otherwise choose all # -L should be the default # cn (Company Name) is a common field # use "Jo*" rather than "*" to get only a few records # (we only need 1 to read off the available field names) # (& a b c (| d e f)) o=Co,cn=Name ldapmodify Development: gcc -c -o -g(gdb) -pg(gprof) -Wall -Idir -Ldir -larg(libarg.a) -S(assem) -E(preproc): -H(shows includes) -dM -d(D|N) (shows defines) -C(keep comments) -P(no #line's) -MM[D](gen makeline) -shared(-G) -O# (0-3, optimize) --verbose (-v? to show gcc/collect2/etc actually does eg libraries linked to, actual objects linked to) -static (ld -B static) (ld -no_so) (cc -non_shared) (gcc -mno-shared-libs) # uses static libraries -d* (eg -da all, -dm dump mem stats at end) -Bcompiler_dir (for cpp/cc1/cc1plus/as/ld) gcc -print-file-name=libc.a gcc -print-prog-name=cpp Neat Info on what g++ calls/does: g++ --verbose Compile(g++): cpp; cc1plus; as Link(g++): collect2; ld Neat Info on Linking(lib search): collect2/ld --verbose gcc dirs/files: (from end of man page) TMPDIR/cc* temporary files LIBDIR/cpp preprocessor LIBDIR/cc1plus compiler LIBDIR/collect linker front end needed on some machines LIBDIR/libgcc.a GCC subroutine library /lib/crt[01n].o start-up routine LIBDIR/ccrt0 additional start-up routine for C++ /lib/libc.a standard C library, see intro(3) /usr/include standard directory for #include files LIBDIR/include standard gcc directory for #include files LIBDIR/g++-include additional g++ directory for #include LIBDIR is usually /usr/local/lib/machine/version. (see g++ -v) TMPDIR from env var TMPDIR (default /usr/tmp if available, else /tmp). cc(standard unix c compiler) gcc make g++ CC(HP) ar cr l.a *.o (create a static library) [ranlib l.a] ar ruv l.a *.o (update a static library) ar tv l.a (list archive contents or try objdump -a l.a) ar x l.a [files] (extract files from an archive) ld -r a.o b.o -o c.o # 2 objects become one ld -L (erase default lib dirs) -Ldir (add lib dir) -lname (looks for libname.(so|a) ) *.o -o a.out (ld: -c linker-command-language-file) make [-dn|-pn] (see make_notes) flex(lex)(Lexical Analyzer) bison(yacc)(Yet another compiler compiler) ldd <exe>(show deps) ldconfig [-p] (updates lib-path-cache) nm [-A|-C|u|g] <exe>(shows symbols) strings <exe> | grep lib(shows deps) nm object.o | c++filt # c++filt [symbol] demangles symbol names (like nm -C) objdump -s|x|i|d|t|... [elfdump] # s=hexdump, Sr=hexdump w/relocs, x=headers, t=symtable, R=dyn relocs, r=static relocs # converts objdump symbol-info into format: "size-in-decimal symbol-name" # (useful for adding up the size of all methods in a certain class) objdump -tC file.o | perl -ne 's/.{18}\S+\s+([0-9a-f]+) (.*)/print hex($1)." $2\n"/e' | grep -v ^0 # shows functions in an object: (from assembly code) cat file.s | c++filt | grep ':$' | grep -v '^\.' | cut -b -79 | less objdump --disassemble file.o less file.s # view assembly # 3 stats for an object: ls -l f.o, size f.o, size-sum-of-symbols(from nm/objdump) # ls-l includes the symbol table ie 30%-100% size increase, size ~ size-sum ls -l file.o;size file.o;nm file.o (gnu doesn't show size, try objdump -t);objdump --disassemble file.o readelf [-a|-d] <exe> # a=all d=dynam strip <exe>(removes symbol junk) size <exe> # shows size of text,data,bss sections time <command> [args] # time a command (user+sys+wall time) [timex] # similar to time gdb [a.out [core]] # excellent cli debugger [ddd] # excellent debug gui (What cores are for: gdb a.out core<cr>bt<cr>) ./configure, make, make install (standard installation proc) [dis <exe/obj>] # disassembler [mkstr] # SunOS, processes C files, extracts error("..."), writes a error-file # and replaces the error-call with error(file_offset) for lseek-ing strace(|truss|ltrace) <command> [args] # display system calls called by a command "LD_DEBUG=all ls" # shows dyn-linking (also files, symbols) eg truss -t1 -tread,write -u libFoo -u '!libc' eg truss -topen,close eg strace -ff -v -x -a 40 <cmd> [pstack] # prints the stack of a running process ptrace #command debuggers are based on (see PTRACE_SINGLESTEP) BFD,elf can be used to examine exe's (http://www.eccentrica.org/Mammon/tales/LinuxTale2.txt) [f77] # Fortran (see also lapack for linear algebra) -- [cvs (login get update commit add remove) $CVSROOT] export CVSROOT=":pserver:joe@server.com:/var/cvs" cvs login # stores password and CVSROOT in ~/.cvspass until logout cvs [-z3] get <project_name> # grabs a copy of everything cvs update [-PAd] # updates your copy from the repository cvs commit -m 'Message saying what you changed.' cvs add filename # after creating file cvs remove filename # after removing file cvs add -d dir # after creating dir cvs log <file> cvs history -f <file> -c -a cvs diff -r1.0 -r 1.1 <file> cvs diff -D '24 hours ago' <file> # doesn't work right? # Reverting to an older version: # (you make want to do a diff/rdiff first w/o patching directly) cvs rdiff -r1.123 -r 1.124 c415 | patch -R -- [ctags(esp vi/emacs lookups) [c]xref cproto cross cscope cprint] [ixfw xscope] # etags/ctags *.[chi]* tags-search, tags-query-replace, M-','(tags-loop-continue), tags-query-replace or C-] (C-T back) for vi [calls] # parses c-code, shows call-tree, variables [cflow [-ix|-r]] # shows func call graph by interpreting source-file+includes [ctrace foo.c >tmp.c;cc tmp.c] # adds trace statements to source` (sun command) indent -di1 -d0 -nfc1 -br -kr -i8 -l80 -lc80 http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/indent/indent.html#IDX21 [pstruct c2ph] filters stabs-info into structs+struct-alignment in c/perl gcc -gstabs -S t.c; cat t.s | <stabs-filter> cxref example: a.c 1 main() 2 { 3 int i; 4 extern char c; 5 6 i=65; 7 c=(char)i; 8 } NAME FILE FUNCTION LINE c a.c --- 4- 7= i a.c main 3* 6= 7 main a.c --- 2* cscope example: "cscope *.[chi]*" Find this C symbol: printf Find this global definition: Find functions called by this function: Find functions calling this function: Find this text string: Change this text string: Find this egrep pattern: Find this file: Find files #including this file: Network: nc(nc -v[vr]zw 1 <host> <ports>, 21-23, 79-80, 111auth, 139smb, 513rsh, 517nfs) (7-139, 6000-6010x-redir) nmap (portscan) -sT -sS -sF -sX -sN -sU -I echo QUIT | nc -v -w 5 target 20-250 500-600 5990-7000 # shows initial output from each port traceroute ping arp ifconfig, ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast ifstatus netstat -t[e][a] (connections) -s (summary) -M (masq) -r[n] (routing) -i (devs) -a[n] (all sockets) -l (listening servers) route -n, route [add] [default] <host> ipmask <mask> <ip> # tells you network/broadcast address tcpdump netwatch ftp bin hash prompt mget/mput * lcd !ls !mkdir quit pipes+get/put(send+arc/retr+dearc) put "|tar -cf - dir|gzip" dir.tgz get dir.tgz "|gzip -dc|tar -xvf -" ssh/ssh1/ssh2 <address> ssh public-private-key-auth: (.shosts/.rhosts/hosts.equiv are used in addition to this) ssh-keygen2 -P; echo "idkey id_dsa_1024_<letter>" >.ssh2/identification scp2 ~/.ssh2/id_dsa_1024_<letter>.pub server_machine:.ssh2/ ssh2 server_machine 'echo "key id_dsa_1024_<letter>.pub" >~/.ssh2/authorization' telnet <address> rlogin <address> rsh <address> <command> (remsh, xrsh) .rhosts (or /etc/hosts.equiv) # (insecure to ip-spoofing, allows rlogins w/o password from certain machines) host uid # or just "host" for /etc/hosts.equiv eg copy-recurse between machines: find <path> | cpio -o | rsh <system> cd <path> ";" cpio -iumd uucp (Unix to Unix copy, sort of like rcp or ftp, old command) mesg <y|n> write user [tty] talk user[@dest] finger [user]@host.com mailx [-s Subject] user@host.com <file (other non-standardized options) [mail user@home.com ><file] # send ascii file [mailto] # like 'mail' [metasend] # metasend files as MIME fetchmail -p POP3|IMAP [-k] [-v] [-d seconds] ><server></server> (mail retrieval: reads from mail svr, sends to localhost MTA--smtp:25) [fetchmailconf (X cfg util)] ~/.fetchmailrc: user, pass, forcecr(qmail) [mconnect <host>] # like 'telnet <host> 25' (sendmail) cmds: /etc/mail/sendmail.hf [from] # Display newly arrived mail (SunOS?) lynx pine tin [elm nn] slrn [-n -C] # nice color news reader (esc1enter=showRead,l=toggleReadGroups,f,P,q,Q,?,Agroupname,LsearchBroken?) [ftpwho ftpcount ftpshut] # wu ftpd commands (Linux) pppd /dev/tty0 mru 1500 mtu 1500 defaultroute asyncmap FFFFFF # smbclient connects to Samba/NetworkNeighborhood Shares: # Don't forget "-W ntdomain" to authenticate to the NT domain for NT machines # (a workgroup is not a domain and "-W workgroup" should not help) # ("Access denied." Error) smbclient -L ServerName [-I ip] [-N] [-W ntdomain] smbclient //ServerName/ShareName [-I ip] [-N] [-U pcguest] smbclient -M User smbstatus testparm smbd/nmdb (mps mbd) /etc/smb.conf smbmount //ServerName/ShareName /mnt ...(smbclient options) smbclient -L machinename -I machineip -U 'cyallop' -W ntdomain nmblookup (similar to nbtstat for dos) note: 00=hostname, 03=username, 20=sharing is on name>ip: (name = netbios-name = NetNeighborhoodName) nmblookup [-B broadcast] <name> ip>name: nmblookup [-B broadcast] -A <ip> server-list: nmblookup [-B broadcast] -SM - (master browser) smbclient [-I <master-ip>] -L <master-name> [-N] or nmblookup \* # then for each ip: nmblookup -A <ip> or nmap -p 139 172.16.1.\* # then for each ip: nmblookup -A <ip> (this is the most reliable way, finds "hidden" no-lm-announce servers) (Windows boxes using only ipx-netbios won't be seen with nmblookup/nmap/smbclient) # nmblookup-broadcast was .05s, nmap A.B.C.\* was 9.65s (nmap 1.51) The nmap/nmb ip-lists are similar. When 2 nmb's are done, one immediately following the other, their lists are a bit different. I suspect this is true for nmap as well. (10s latency makes it harder to test) (I can see why Windows remembers machines from previous attempts.) # smbls: # Pipes 'nmblookup \*' IPs through 'nmblookup -A' so names are reported: nmblookup -B \* 2>/dev/null | grep 00 | grep -v | cut -d" " -f 1 | sort | xargs -l1 killslowpokes nmblookup -A 2>/dev/null | fgrep -v GROUP | fgrep 00 # kills laggers: '-l1 killslowpokes' (is optional, needs killslowpokes script) nmblookup -A is sometimes quick, sometimes slow(few seconds) and sometimes fails after several seconds The killslowpokes is a shell script, meaning lots of shell-spawns but the improvement from lagging nmblookup's outweighs it's many shell-spawns # The kill script brought it from 47s to 18s(last 6s added nothing) # recursive dl-ing/mirroring: (cd /downloads/; ncftp -C -r -d 60 'bookmark_name:/*') wget -P/downloads/ -t inf -c -r 'ftp://name:pass@site/*' DNS: (host, dig, nslookup) host or host www.microsoft.com (or ping www.microsoft.com) dig fbi.gov any any host [-l] -v -t any example.com (see man named) nslookup -type=any example.com (see DNS-HOWTO) dnsquery -t any -v example.com host -l -v -t any example.com # -l sometimes fails [nstest?] Shell Commands: echo hi there printf "%-.5d" 5 exec <cmd> alias # (sh/csh syntax is different) umask XYZ # 022=default 077=secure eg printf "%X\n" 36 printf "%u\n" 0x24 eval `echo ls` Job Control: jobs fg %1 bg %1 ^Z csh -l bash --login (login shell) csh -f bash --norc --noprofile (no rc files) csh -V (verbose echo-all, even init) sh -v # echoes commands before executing them (even init) # blow away environment: env -i sh env -i csh -f #!/bin/sh # without this, the shell may just spawn to run the script (difference in $0, speed) shell glob expansion: ls {a,b}[0-9]* # any file starting with: a0 a1 .. a9 b0 .. b9 # like this regex(re): \(a\|b\)[0-9].* # like this eregex(ere): (a|b)[0-9].* test -r|-w|-x <file> && echo yep # some file tests (-e is not in older-test versions) test a = a -a a != b && echo yep # some string tests X: xlsclients # eg for detecting remote xkeys connected to your display [xlswins] xwininfo -root -tree | fgrep -v '()' xwininfo -id $WINDOWID (only in CDE?) xsetroot -solid "midnight blue" (showrgb) xv -root pic.gif -max -quit startx -- :1 Starts X using display 1 (rather than 0) xprop Window/X-environment Info (Allows user to click on desired window) xprop -root -spy CUT_BUFFER0 Spies on their clipboard xprop -name mywin Tells info on window named mywin xkill -id num Kills Window with Id num, use xlswins/xprop to get the id xkill Kills the next window clicked on AND IT'S CREATOR xkill -frame Kills the WINDOW MANAGER (boots them off) next time they click xkill -root -frame Kills the WINDOW MANAGER (boots them off) xmodmap Changes the key's meanings xmodmap -e "POINTER= 4 5 6" Disables Mouse Buttons xset m 0 0 Disables Mouse Movement xset s 1 Screen Blanker to 1 second xset Shows xset control flags xdpyinfo # screen/server info xkbprint xkbcomp setxkbmap # keymap management xev(prints all xevents for a window) [xkbevd(does actions on xevents)] xclipboard(monitors clipboard, lets you save different clipboards -- crappy?) [xselection PRIMARY] xlsfonts xlsatoms # odd x-info commands appres editres listres xrdb .Xresources .Xdefaults # for old X-resource widget/classes config [lbxproxy # low bandwidth x proxy] xauth merge ~fool/.Xauthority # merges in fool's public-readable .Xauthority (you get access to their display) xauth list xauth add dpyname protoname hexkey ie xauth add app_server_ip:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 deadbeef # sort of locks the screen: xset m 0 0 && xclock -bg black -fg black -display 0:0 -g 10000x10000+0+-50 Misc: man [-f|-k|[-s] section] command ("man<cr>" or "man man" displays options) info <command> Emacs Info, similar to man newgrp(sets currently used group) [dialog (linux, a wonderful text-interface util -- msg/menu/file/input/checkmark/radio box)] getconf <arg> [path] # ARG_MAX LINE_MAX _POSIX_VERSION stty [+|-]<code> stty -a (list current) # Set tty settings stty erase "^?" # <Press Backspace xmodmap -e Delete = Backspace" xmodmap ><--help|-grammar|-pke> stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D" susp "^Z" dsusp "^Y" #werase "^W" ^8 = ^? ^h sometimes equals backspace (^? is the new backspace keystroke, so ^h can be help) echo -n Password:;stty -echo;read line;stty echo;echo (line=$< in csh) kbdrate -r 30 -d 250 # set linux keyboard repeat #stty modes: (see 'stty --help' and 'man stty') # -icanon|cbreak: getchar() returns after 1 keypress, not line based # ('stty icanon|-cbreak' undoes it) # raw: same as -icanon -ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -opost -isig -xcase min 1 time 0 # -echo: no input chars echoed # stty sane reset # reset term io flags # When CBREAK is on, input from a read will be immediately available to # the program, when off the input will be buffered until newline occurs. # RAW is the same as CBREAK, except that in RAW mode no special character # processing will be done. clear tset # odd terminal initialization command, allows figuring out where you're from(tty), mapping that to certain TERM values (bsd-origin) true false yes logger "Log Message" # syslog from the cmd line expr <math-expr> # eval simple math eg expr \( 1 + 3 \) / 2 \* 3 bc (Bison Calc, scale=8, ibase=?, obase=?) dc (RPN Desktop Calc) [cvtbase <d|x|o|b> <d|x|o|b>] [sc == console spreadsheet calculator] ispell [-a] # console spell checker (eg echo ticckle | ispell -a) regcmp # gen c-code(array of numbers) for compiled regex (faster runtime) date # prints date date -s hh:mm:ss # set time clock -w # write time out to CMOS clock clock -s # set time from CMOS clock (happens on bootup) clock -a # set time from CMOS clock, adjusting by offset set in /etc/adjtime (see man clock) ntpdate <ntp-server> # sets time from a ntp server (simple, quick way to synchronize) ntpdate time.chu.nrc.ca (NRC in Ottawa) #time-A.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov (Boulder, CO) ntpd #periodically syncs time between computers(eg client-server ntp, it has many options) #NTP Servers: http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.htm # (see Clock Linux-mini-hwto) nice -n delta command... (prio -20high to 20low, 0default) renice <prior> <pid...> renice <prior> -u <userid...> nohup <cmd> [args] & # continues after logout (ignores hup signal, sends stdout,stderr to nohup.out) crontab <-l|-e> (/var/spool/cron/crontabs/*) (man crontab) # MIN(0-59) HOUR(0-23/interval) DAY(1-31,mon-wed) MONTH(1-12) DAYOFWEEK(0-6,0=Sunday) COMMAND eg 55 14-18/2 25,26 12 * exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xeyes -display :0 & (note PATH and DISPLAY may not be properly set) ("exec blah" names process name from "sh -c blah" to "blah") at [-f script] TIME atq(list at-jobs) atrm(rm at-jobs) batch(when low load <.8) (run every 5min by cron) TIME: now noon midnight HH:MM HH<am|pm> DD.MM.YY month-name day [year] [+ count <minutes|hours|days|weeks>] 10am Jul 31 14:32 + 13.05.02 at 4am + 3 days <<EOF ... EOF (sleep 60;echo This terminal is alive)& # joke in .login [audioplay audioconvert audiorecord] kbd_mode -a (OFF) -u (ON) (Sun) Disactivate/Activate Keyboard (actually it changes the keymap, so -a is used for a normal terminal, -u is used for X-Windows) remsh host wincenter -resolution 1024x768 # Wincenter (X redirection from NT) xconsole (displays messages meant for the console) kernel info: /proc(linux) syscall?(bsd) # eg actual executable running (if it was symlinked ps will show the symlink name) fuser [-v] # show uses of a file in Linux [lsof] [ofiles? off?] # list all open files (and devs and sockets -- good sec/sys info!) [fstat/lstat] # same as c-calls ttysnoop, ttysnoopd(replaces in.telnetd) script file, tail -f file [miniterm] (simple linux term program) [vgetty] # fax/answering-machine/dial-up (auto detect, configurable) (only Linux?) Informix stats onstat - database engine status -d disk stats -P cache stats -F flushers -R ? oncheck -pT info, cache load -pe extents System V ipc: ipcs: status of all System V IPC objects ipcs -q: Show only message queues ipcs -s: Show only semaphores ipcs -m: Show only shared memory ipcs --help: Additional arguments ipcrm ><msg | sem | shm> <IPC ID> # remove IPC object from kernel # ps to pdf: C:\aladdin\gs6.01\bin\gswin32c -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=C:\output.pdf -f C:\input.ps --- #From LDP:lpg (has nice simple examples of each) # simple kernel structures for ipc; identified by a system-wide id (you'll likely generate it from a file_inode&devnum + user_specified_char) # Message Queues: an internal linked list within the kernel's addressing space (msgget,msgsnd,msgrcv) # Semaphores: counters used to control access to shared resources by multiple processes(locking mechanism) (semget,semop) # Shared Mem: the mapping of an area (segment) of memory to more than one process (shmget,shmat,shmdt) # by far the fastest form of IPC, because there is no intermediation (i.e. a pipe, a message queue, etc) The "swiss army knife" ioctl (input/output control): (You more often need ioctl for special files than for regular files) ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int request, unsigned long argument) Special files are mainly found in /dev and /proc. They differ from regular files in that way that they hide an interface to a driver and not to a real (regular) file that contains text or binary data. FIONREAD ioctl number of characters waiting to be read, but only works on terminals, pipes and sockets The O_NONBLOCK flag can be used in an open/fcntl call to disable the default blocking action Standard Etc Files: (etc=Edittable Text Configuration) /etc/inittab /etc/rc.d/* (rc.local, rc.S) /etc/fstab /etc/syslog.conf /etc/issue(on login, before prompt, welcome/sysinfo) /etc/motd(before login, problems/warnings) /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts /etc/services /etc/inetd.conf /etc/protocols /etc/passwd /etc/groups /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow /etc/skel/* /etc/suauth /etc/securetty (ttys where root is allowed) /etc/ftpusers (allowed to ftp) /etc/hosts.equiv /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny eg /etc/hosts.allow ALL:127. /etc/hosts.deny ALL:ALL /etc/shells (trusted shells you can chsh to) /etc/named.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/host.conf /var/named/* /etc/smb.conf /etc/printcap /etc/termcap /etc/magic (file format info for 'file <file>') /etc[/X11]/XF86Config /etc/lilo.conf /etc/profile /etc/csh.login /etc/csh.cshrc /etc/printcap /etc/termcap (man termcap|curs_termcap|terminfo) /etc/mtab (mounted filesystems, 'mount') /etc/sysconfig/network (SR5,RH) Useful Linux Dirs: /usr/doc/HOWTO /usr/src/linux /usr/include Weird Locations: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/ /var/X11R6/ /usr/lib/lynx /var/lib/apache /usr/local/lib/amiwm/system.amiwmrc /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt Linux System Structure: /bin, /sbin, /lib: core /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/lib: system installed (ie rpm/etc) /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/games: local machine programs, user installed? /var/lib/rpm/fileindex.rpm(RH) /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm(RH) /var/log/packages/* (slack) Security Attacked Files: /etc/passwd /etc/exports /etc/hosts.* /etc/inetd.conf /etc/hosts /etc/group /etc/shadow /etc/lilo.conf /etc/securetty(ttys ttytab) /etc/ftpusers /etc/suauth /etc/rc* /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession(xhost +) /etc/profile /etc/csh.cshrc /usr/lib/cron/crontabs /var/log/messages /var/log/xferlog /var/log/[wu]tmp [/var/log/syslog /var/log/debug] /usr/adm/sulog /usr/adm/loginlog /usr/adm/errlog /usr/adm/culog /usr/mail/ ~/.rhosts ~/.plan ~/.profile ~/.*rc Security Attacked Uids: root uucp ftp daemon bin sys adm admin sync nuucp demo umountfsys test tmproot reboot install user anon guest games rwho finger who common admin email accounts: ROOT ADMINISTRATOR POSTMASTER WEBMASTER DirNames: .xx .mail ... ".. " ..^G" "-i<cr>" XF86 Req'd Files: xsvga.tgz xbin.tgz xcfg.tgz xfnts.tgz xlib.tgz [xset.tgz xvg16.tgz] Common Overuse Hacks: Fork-Bomb (sh $0 & sh $0 &) Eat-Mem (while(1){malloc(1024);}) East-Disk (while :;do;mkdir x;cd x;done) Classic fake-login Hack: simulates login screen, records passwords chown: Note that anyone can chown/chgrp their files to "frame" another user. Suid-bit: when set on an exe, anyone who runs it gets the owner's privileges Standard Man Pages: (text w/optional troff cmds) NAME (1 line) SYNOPSIS (args, howto use) DESCRIPTION OPTIONS (descriptions) EXAMPLES SEE ALSO FILES BUGS AUTHOR --- POSIX: (See unixapi_notes.html) #'man standards': (SunOS 5.7) IEEE Std 1003.1 and IEEE Std 1003.2, commonly known as POSIX.1 and POSIX.2. POSIX Standard Description Release POSIX.1-1988 system interfaces and headers SunOS 4.1 POSIX.1-1990 POSIX.1-1988 update Solaris 2.0 POSIX.1b-1993 realtime extensions Solaris 2.4 POSIX.1c-1996 threads extensions Solaris 2.6 POSIX.2-1992 shell and utilities Solaris 2.5 POSIX.2a-1992 interactive shell and utilities Solaris 2.5 POSIX Standard Feature Test Macros POSIX.1-1990 _POSIX_SOURCE POSIX.1-1990 and _POSIX_SOURCE and POSIX.2-1992 C-Language _POSIX_C_SOURCE=2 Bindings Option POSIX.1b-1993 _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L POSIX.1c-1996 _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L (1003.1b used to be 4?) (5,9: Ada, Fortran versions of 1) Solaris releases 2.0 through 7 also support the interfaces specified by the System V Interface Definition, Third Edition, Volumes 1 through 4 (SVID3). Note, however, that since the developers of this specification (UNIX Systems Laboratories) are no longer in business and since this specification defers to POSIX and X/Open CAE specifications, there is some disagreement about what is currently required for conformance to this specification. -- NLS: Native Language Support I18N: Internationalization (English>ForeignLang, gettext) L10N: Localization (eg CurrencySymbols,NumberFormats,Metric/Other,DateFormats) International Date Format (ISO 8601:1988): CCYY-MM-DD International Time Format (ISO 8601:1988): 24 hour (00:00-23:00) (1999-01-15T24:00 is the same instant as 1999-01-16T00:00) Ambiguous US Date Format: MM/DD/[CC]YY eg 05/06/96 May6 or June5?? Ambiguous US Time Format: HH:MM(pm|am) eg 12:00 a.m. Is that midnight or midday?? Meaningful Word Date: October 7th 1996 --- DNS notes Addtional Info if for fields you think they'll ask for next. eg provide IPs(A) with NS query CNAME cannot have other RRs with it (MX/NS) keep in-addr.arpa PTRs correct --- Some Useful Linux Logs: /var/log/: messages xferlog lastlog(lastlog) wtmp(last -15) utmp(who) Rename X-term Title Bars: (or Iconic labels=1, 0=Both) echo "ESC]0;TEXT^G" xc/doc/specs/xterm/ctlseqs.ms Setting rxvt|xterm|XTerm ~/.Xdefaults: emacs*font: -misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* rxvt*font: -*-*-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #rxvt*font: linux8x16 #rxvt*geometry: 156x62+0+0 rxvt*saveLines: 1500 rxvt*background: black rxvt*foreground: white rxvt*scrollBar: true rxvt*reverseWrap: true rxvt*titleBar: false rxvt*VT100.Translations: #override\n\ <KeyPress>Prior : scroll-back(1,page)\n\ <KeyPress>Next : scroll-forw(1,page) alt-right-click/right-click-titlebar(fvwm) or alt-mid-click(kde): raise/lower window (cycle thru windows) (kde alt-tab is cooler) How to set up a web-server: http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/setup/OneStep.html (SunOS 5=Solaris 2, name switch to Solaris) "In my experience, perhaps 25% of applications build "right out of the box". Another 50% or so can be "persuaded" to build with an effort ranging from trivial to herculean. That still means a significant number of packages will not build no matter what." (YES, I'm not the only one!) "Use sh for anything that could fit in a make file Use perl for anything else" #pragma ... # arbitrary implementation defined behavior (esp compiler/assembler) http://bat710.univ-lyon1.fr/~ascil/cpp/cpp_37.html#IDX84 "#unassert predicate" # gnu assertions, predicates(system, cpu, machine) Note: you can open an exe and run any func/expr you want in it using gdb (brings new meaning to "c-shell") Pine setup: inbox-path: {pop.server} {pop.server}INBOX nntp-server: news.server *{news.server/nntp}[] # View first, then run history match: (silly but useful trick) echo !g !g # !$=last arg of last cmd # (!$ !* !^ !:3-5 last all first range) vim file.c chmod u+w !$ gcc !$ # look for something in history: (useful/common trick, works in old shells too) history|grep find # tip: use search(Cs /) constantly to move your cursor (in an editor) ===== Examples: Finds all PATH definitions in people's configs: grep -n PATH ~/../*/.* 2>/dev/null mv *.htm *.html: /bin/ls -d *.htm | sed -e 's/*/mv & &/;s/htm$/html/' | sh Prints c funcs/classes/typedefs: (note the $1="" trick!) ctags -twx prog.cc | awk '{$1="";$2="";$3="";print $0}' | cut -b 4- (ctags isn't perfect misses ...::<cr>funcname(...) ) Adds headings to 'ls -l': (printf "PERM LINKS OWNER GROUP SIZE MONTH DAY HH:MM NAME\n" ; ls -l | sed 1d) | column -t # Replaces current Xterm, Kills Xterm History: alias cx 'clear;(dtterm `xwininfo -id $WINDOWID|grep geometry`&);sleep 1;exit' # Clears screen, kills shell history: alias c "clear;cd $HOME;exec $SHELL" Sets up xauth: (in .login) if ("$XCHOICE" == "mit") then set HOST = `hostname` # Bad keys once in a while -- odd number of hex chars? (X fails to start up and hangs, must be remotely kiled) # set randomkey = `perl -e 'srand; printf int(rand(1000000000000000000))'` set randomkey = `perl -e 'srand;$_=sprintf("%8X%8X\n",int(rand(4294967295)),int(rand(4294967295)));s/ /0/g;print'` xauth add $HOST/unix:0 . $randomkey xauth add $HOST":0" . $randomkey xinit -- -auth $HOME/.Xauthority endif Calculate install space: find / -mmin -30 -type f | grep -v /proc > newfiles #find / -mount -exec test {} = /proc -o {} = /home -o {} = /tmp \; -prune -o -mmin -30 -type f -print >newfiles [remove na files] cat newfiles | xargs du -k -s | awk '{s+=$1}END{print s} Full File Dir Structure: (see also tripwire/aide) ls -laR / | gzip -9 > /mnt/floppy/file-list-`date +'%b %e'`.lst.gz Find new files since last checkpoint: Checkpoint: touch .last_checkpoint List New Files: find . -newer .last_checkpoint find . -newer .last_checkpoint -type f | tar -cf delta_`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M'`.tar --files-from=- find . -newer archive.zip -type f | zip -ru archive.zip -@ # adds/updates an archive zip -o archive.zip # Sets arc mod-time to newest file it contains (ie you cp/ftp'd the arc and lost it's real mod-time) # Manually do a "diff -qr": # (eg files are on separate machines, you don't want to copy/tar the files, # just the files' checksums to check for differences) (eg like tripwire) # # Should be(I wish): cksum -r dir1 >1; cksum -r dir2 >2; dirlistcompare 1 2 # # (Find added/removed/altered from two similar dir-structures) # First get 2 '<cksum> <size> <./path/filename>' listings called 1,2 eg: cd dir1; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cksum >1 cd dir2; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cksum >2 grep -v -f 2 1 | cut -f 3- -d" " >1-2 grep -v -f 1 2 | cut -f 3- -d" " >2-1 grep -v -f 2-1 1-2 >1only grep -f 2-1 1-2 >1and2altered grep -v -f 1-2 2-1 >2only # # ssh1 to gpu, cksum my home-page, fix cksum output: ssh1 -l cyallop gpu.srv.ualberta.ca "cd public_html;find . -type f | sed s/\'/\\\\\\\\\\'/ | xargs -i'{}' cksum '{}'" | sed -e 's/ *\([0-9]\+\) \+\([0-9]\+\)/\1 \2/' >2 # # Perl version: (original) perl <1 -e '$a=`cat 2`;while($_=<>){$q=quotemeta;if($a!~/$q/){s/\S+\s+\S+\s+//;print}}' >1-2 perl <2 -e '$a=`cat 1`;while($_=<>){$q=quotemeta;if($a!~/$q/){s/\S+\s+\S+\s+//;print}}' >2-1 perl <1-2 -e '$a=`cat 2-1`;while($_=<>){$q=quotemeta;if($a!~/$q/){print}}' >1only perl <1-2 -e '$a=`cat 2-1`;while($_=<>){$q=quotemeta;if($a=~/$q/){print}}' >1and2altered perl <2-1 -e '$a=`cat 1-2`;while($_=<>){$q=quotemeta;if($a!~/$q/){print}}' >2only Common lines between two files: (1 and 2) perl <1 -e '$a=`cat 2`;while($_=<>){$q="^".quotemeta($_)."\$";if($a=~/$q/){print}}' or: xargs <1 -i"{}" egrep '^{}$' 2 All lines in 1 that aren't in 2: (1 MINUS 2, each line is an entry) perl <1 -e '$a=`cat 2`;while($_=<>){$q="^".quotemeta($_)."\$";if($a!~/$q/){print}}' or: diff common_lines_ordered_by_1 1 | grep ">" | cut -b 3- --- # mirror your shell to someone: echo "tty>2;echo This is from Curtis;echo \(Control-D Closes it\);echo;cat;echo They Exited>"`tty` >1; chmod u+x 1 xterm -display someone:0 -geometry "150x50" -e 1 & sleep 1; script `cat 2` # talk: # (^C only kills yours, "jobs/kill") echo "tty>2;talk $LOGNAME `who -m | awk '{print $2}'`" >1;chmod u+x 1; xterm -geometry "170x50" -e 1 -display someone:0 & sleep 1; talk $LOGNAME `cat 2` # addition to kill theirs too: echo $!>pid trap 'kill -9 `cat pid`' 2 # redirect your window/display: sleep 1; xwd [-root] |xwud -display someone:0 # ask a question: xmessage -center -buttons "ok,busy" -timeout 5 "Can I talk to you? -- Curtis" -print # show what's on their screen: xlsclients -display someone:0 --- Changing Gif Transparency in Unix: giftopnm image.gif | ppmtogif -trans #BFBFBF > image-trans.gif silly hard-to-remove file: ^Ssh<cr>echo >'-i <cr>'<cr>clear;exit<cr>^Q rm -- '-i <cr>' rm -i * # may not work find . -name '*foo*' -print0 | perl -n0e unlink # Silly alteration of what appears on the ps/w/who list: ln -s /usr/bin/sleep hacking_into_the_system;(sleep 1;rm hacking_into_the_system)&./hacking_into_the_system 99999 # 9:06pm up 3 days, 11:09, 4 users, load average: 0.24, 0.05, 0.02 #root pts/2 - 9:04pm 2:07 0.06s 0.01s ./hacking_into_the_system 99999 #bash-2.03# ls -l /proc/4908/ #lrwx------ 1 root root 0 Mar 29 21:08 exe -> /usr/bin/sleep* Misc: pwd | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' # Prints all after last '/' pwd | cut -d"/" -f 1 # Prints all before first '/' basename `pwd` dirname `pwd` Count Max Fields: awk '{print NF}' | uniq grep . # del all blank lines (same as "awk 'NF>0'" and "sed -n '/./p'") cat -s # squeeze multiple blanks lines into 1 blank line sed 1d # cuts first line sed '$d' # cuts last line sed '/start/,/finish/d' # cuts from /start/ to /finish/ sed -n '/start/,/finish/p' # shows only from /start/ to /finish/ awk '/start/,/finish/{print}' # shows only from /start/ to /finish/ sed -n 'N;P' # every 2nd line, odd lines sed -n 'n;P' # even lines sed -e "/test/s/$/ action1/" # if /test/ is found, append action1 to EOL sed -e "/test/!s/$/ action2/" # if /test/ not found, append action2 sed -e 's/[^"]*\("[^"]*"\)[^"]*/\1/g' # <extract quoted strings tr -d \015 # removes ^M's (CR, dos text files) # Converting dos/unix text files: (try ^V^M to insert raw ^M) sed 's/$/^M/' # LF > CRLF sed 's/^M$//' # CRLF > LF #switch first and last field: (comma delim) sed -e 's/^\([^,]*\)\(.*,\)\([^,]*\)$/\3\2\1/' # print top executing processes: ('n 1' or '-d1' or 'man top' for 1 iteration) top n 1 | sed -n '/PID/!b;n;N;p' # top 2 processes w/o heading top n 1 | sed -n '/PID/!b;N;N;N;p' # top 3 processes w/heading # Identical: (Print only the line matching /^Subject: */) # 'd' ends the cycle unlike most other commands # 'b' without a label ends the cycle and acts like the 3rd version sed -n '/^Subject: */p' sed -e '/^Subject: */!d' sed -n '/^Subject: */!b;p' sed -n '/^Subject: */!ba;p;:a' # Adds a '<' to the end of each line: # (shows how to load the entire file into the hold-buffer) # (note the '$!b' which says if not final line, branch to end) # (the hold buffer may overflow??) # (the hold buffer seems to contain a blank line on startup, so I clear it on line 1) sed -n '1h;1!H;$!b;g;s/\n/<&/g;s/$/</;p' # notes on sed syntax peculiarities: '{ cmds }' MUST have newline after each cmd a,i: end on blank line? /bin/ls -1 | tr '\n' ' ' echo * | tr -s ' ' '\n' awk '{s+=$1}END{print s}' # (sum a column) awk -v sum=0 '{sum+=$1}END{print sum}' # example script: (emulates xargs, processes each line in stdin--find-output) find dir -type f | while read file do grep -q 'abc' $file if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$file"; fi done # example script: (mv *.abc *.cba, see the sed version of this for a shorter way) for file in *.abc do mv $file `basename $file abc`cba done # sed version of mv *.abc *.cba: /bin/ls *.abc | sed 's/.*/mv & &/;s/abc$/cba/' | sh -v parse passwd: awk -F: '{print $1, $5}' /etc/passwd cat /etc/passwd | grep jdoe | awk -v FS=: '{print $1 " " $3}' bash+bc+printf ex: while read right wrong ; do percent=$(echo "scale=1;($right*100)/($right+$wrong)" | bc) printf "%2d right\t%2d wrong\t(%s%%)\n" \ $right $wrong $percent done < database_file Filters Gprof: (into parent,child entries eg for making a call graph) gprof -b -C -F main | awk '/propagated/,/accumulated/' | egrep "(-|\[)" | perl -e '$_=join("",<>);while(/^\[.*?([a-zA-Z_\(\)]+) \[\d+\]$/gm){$f=$1;($t=$'"'"')=~/-----/;$a=$`;while($a=~/([a-zA-Z_\(\)]+) \[\d+\]$/gm){print "$f,$1\n";}}' Finds undefined symbols in a.out not in libc: (eg libc.so is incompatible?) (assumes gnu nm output) ldd a.out libc.so.1 => /usr/lib/libc.so.1 #ldd is the same as: /lib/ld-linux.so.2 --list /bin/ls nm -Cu a.out | cut -b -60 | cut -b 12- >aout.nm # cut too-long lines, show only symbol-name (after 12th char) nm -Cu /lib/libc.so | cut -b 12- >libc.nm # show only symbol-name (after 12th char) cat aout.nm | xargs -i{} egrep '^{}$' libc.nm >defined_in_libc.common diff aout.nm defined_in_libc.common >undef.diff # Shows "size $LIB" and the library's size-sum: (Assumes 4th column of size output is size-value) size $LIB | awk '{s+=$4;print}END{print "\nTotal: (size-sum)\n"s"\n"}' Decomment code for a lines-of-code count: cat *.cpp | perl -e '$_=join("",<>);s#/\*.*?\*/##sg;s#//.*$##mg;print' | awk 'NF>0' | wc -l # Follows include-tree: g++ -E -H 2>&1 >/dev/null file.c [| fgrep -v -e /syslibdir1 -e /syslibdir2] # Does 'g++ -E' on a system include: echo "#include<map>" | g++ -E -x c++ - # Show all macros: g++ file.c -E -dM # -o will now redirect -dM # Displays base-environment compiler symbols like "__cplusplus": echo|g++ -E -dM [-x c++] - # Display all Structures: gcc -gstabs -S t.c; cat t.s | pstruct # classes: cat <files> | grep -v ';$' | grep '^[ \t]*class' [-1] macro-functions: semicolon style: #define MYFUNC(a) if(tst) MYFUNC(); foo(); >> if(tst) ; foo(); no-semicolon style: #define MYFUNC(a) ; if(tst) MYFUNC() foo(); >> if(tst) ; foo(); broken no-semicolon style: #define MYFUNC(a) if(tst) MYFUNC() foo(); >> if(tst) foo(); broken no-semicolon style may be good if you want something like: CONDITIONAL_CODE( mydebug("blah\n"); ) or ACE_MT( grablock(); ) # cheap unix og-rw trick to "password-protect" a world-write dir # (this trick works for "password-protected" web-pages as well) mkdir nosee; chmod 711 nosee; mkdir nosee/H6dd3tu2d # Determining the shell: (sh/csh) set|grep sh # determines tcsh/bash/csh (not meant for scripts) # echo>/dev/null;test $?a = 0a && echo sh || echo csh test $?tcsh = 1 && echo tcsh set | grep BASH_VERSION= >/dev/null && echo bash # # setenv/alias, works for bash/tcsh/csh: echo>/dev/null;test $?a = 0a && eval 'SET="export";IS="="' || eval 'set SET=setenv;set IS=" "' alias ls${IS}"ls -AF --color" $SET AAA${IS}hi # # setenv/alias, works for bash/tcsh/csh/sh: echo>/dev/null;test $?a = 0a && eval 'SET="";IS="=";EXPORT="export"' || eval 'set SET=setenv;set IS=" ";set EXPORT="echo>/dev/null"' eval "$SET AAA${IS}hi; $EXPORT AAA" # # lesser ways #Indicators: $SHELL (bash) $shell (tcsh) $?tcsh #echo $shell | grep 'csh$' >/dev/null && echo csh #test -z $shell && echo $SHELL | grep '[^c]sh$' >/dev/null && echo sh Path to Find Related Files: (eg config/data/resource files) * "mv utildir somewhere_else/" should NOT screw it up! relative is best, also consider relative-to-app-origin env-var(FOO_HOME/FOO_PATH) is better than hard coding never ever hard-code $0.real # exe calls exe.real (in same dir) `dirname $0`/otherexe # exe calls otherexe (in same dir) (req dirname) # Look for exe in the same directory as this script DIR="`echo "$0" | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`" ORIGIN=`dirname $0` # where it's stored Idea: /var/installed-apps/myapp is a symlink to /usr/local/myapp/myapp # # Finds ORIGIN in terms of an absolute address: (prepend PWD to relative addresses) if (echo $0 | grep "^/" >/dev/null); then ORIGIN=`dirname $0` elif (echo $0 | grep "/" >/dev/null); then ORIGIN=$PWD/`echo $0 | sed -e 's;/[^/]*$;;'` else ORIGIN=$PWD fi # Works in either sh/csh: sh -c 'echo "Error" 1>&2' interactive?: sh: if [ -t 0 ]; then ... fi c: if(isatty(0)) { ... } csh: if ( $?prompt) ... # deletes zero-size files: # note: (DAMN QUOTES IN FILESNAMES) null or perhaps newline are good delimiters # In sh: "$var" is how you pass var on as an arg, plain $var (no quotes) will expand spaces in $var to form separate args out of var # But, xargs -i sh -c 'echo "{}"' is NOT ok, {} is not a shell-var! /bin/ls | perl -pe 's/\n/\0/' | xargs -0i sh -c 'test ! -s "$0" && echo "$0"' {} | perl -pe 's/\n/\0/' | xargs -0i rm {} # searches for any mention of the problem (eg faqs/readmes/comments) # ie install prob or error message find . -type f | xargs fgrep KeywordRelatedToProblemEgMissingDLLorHeader # $! is wonderful as well as !blah, eg: g++ foo.c -o foo vi $! ./foo !g !v !. idea: bdiff and bpatch(for binary) can be done with diff/patch/uuencode/uudecode (untested) idea: spreadsheet -nogui -import 'A,B,C' -export 'H1-50,I1-J25' mycalcs.spreadsheet <imported.dat >exported.dat assert(!"not implemented!"); #define TEMPFILE (temfile[0]? temfile: (tmpnam(temfile), temfile)) The opposite to atoi is not itoa, it's sprintf # gviz = awesome tool to make graph diagrams (eg call-graph) (from Bell-labs) ./dot -Tps 1.dat -o g.ps --- Linux Examples: LoadLin: (from a kernel&root-disk image) note: a boot-disk image is not always a kernel image (ie see Slack kernels dir, not boot-disk images) loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/ram rw initrd=rescue.gz vga=ext Creating a Linux swap space: dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=65536 || fdisk (create swap partition) mkswap swapfile || mkswap /dev/hda# (hda# = swap partition) swapon swapfile (edit fstab for future boots to see it) sync # flushes fs buffers manually Sample soundblaster setup line: modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=3 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x300 Script for making a vmlinuz/lilo boot disk: (Slackware?) makebootdisk (or makedisk?) Manually Shutting Down: (Linux) cd / echo "Shutting Down" >etc/nologin wall <etc/nologin killall5 -1, killall5 -15, killall5 -9 sync;sync umount -a telinit -s Runlevels 0, 1, and 6 are reserved. Runlevel 0 is used to halt the system, runlevel 6 is used to reboot the system, and runlevel 1 is used to get the system down into single user mode. Runlevel S is not really meant to be used directly, but more for the scripts that are executed when entering runlevel 1. (3=multiuser, 4=xdm-multiuser) runlevel: prints runlevel telinit/init [0-6s] : goto that runlevel # Booting: bootstrap loader, init init forks getty, getty reads user/pass & execs login, login execs shell when login/shell exit, init reforks getty For no user/password: set login to point to sh # To disable an account, change their shell to a tail-script: #!/usr/bin/tail +2 This account has been closed due to a security breach. Please call 555-1234 and wait for the men in black to arrive. Example of Setting Linux Networking: ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast #route add -net netmask dev eth0 # Done automatically by ifconfig in new kernels route add default gw netmask dev eth0 Sets up IP-Masq: /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY /sbin/ipchains -A forward -i eth0 -s -d -j MASQ Make Linux Kernel: make menuconfig || make xconfig || make config make dep && make clean && make bzImage ftp://ftp.yggdrasil.com/mirrors/sunsite/kernel/ http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/ Use Linux Cdrom: /dev/hdc /cdrom iso9660 ro,noauto,user 0 0 mount /cdrom umount /cdrom #chmod 666 /dev/scd0 #chmod 777 /cdrom scsi: mount /dev/scd0 -t iso9660 -r /cdrom umount /cdrom ide: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom Make a CD image: (Rockridge, all files incl dot files) mkisofs -o /tmp/image-101098.iso -a -L -R -V VolumeName . cdda2wav -D/dev/hdc -H [-t1] [-v#] [audio.wav] # t=track v=cd-info-verbosity bladeenc audio.wav... [-DELETE] # creates audio.mp3 # perl -e 'print join(\n,2..4)' | xargs -i cdda2wav -D/dev/hdc -H -t{} track{}.wav # cdda2mp3 [#...} # optional track numbers, defaults to all tracks (it's a script by me) # list all tracks: # cdda2wav -D/dev/hdc -v 17 -J 2>&1 | sed '1,/^Table/d;/^Table/,$d' | perl -ne 's/(\d+)\.\(/print "$1\n"/ge' # vi s&r to go from '03 SongName' to 'mv track03.mp3 ArtistName-03-SongName.mp3' %s/\(..\) \(.*\)/mv track\1.mp3 ArtistName-\1-\2.mp3/ PPP Tunnel? pppd /dev/cua1 115200 crtscts defaultroute mru 1500 This will backup /dev/hda's table: dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/floppy/MBR bs=512 count=1 Use this to restore the table: dd if=/mnt/floppy/MBR of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1 Zero-cost Route route add network `hostname` metric 0 Virtual Interface ifconfig eth0:1 inet up Set Mac Address Manually: ifconfig eth0 mosheb-eth0 ether 8:0:ae:83:1:2 # Unarcing a rpm using cpio/gzip/rpmoffset: (ripped from slack's rpm2tgz) dd ibs=`rpmoffset < FILE.rpm` skip=1 if=FILE.rpm 2> /dev/null | gzip -dc | cpio --extract --preserve-modification-time --make-directories # Using rpm: -q[p][li] -qa rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -itv | less # list rpm contents rpm -ql <packagename> # list contents of rpm rpm -q <packagename> # check if package is installed rpm -qa | grep <packagenamepart> rpm -qpi koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm # display description rpm -qpl koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm # list rpm contents # list valid, current users: last | awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq # User usage times: (for current month) last -y | fgrep `date +%b` | fgrep `date +%Y` | fgrep -v crash >last.out # summarize usage per user: (in hours) cat last.out | perl -ne 's;^(\w+).*\((?:(\d+)\+)?(\d\d):(\d\d)\)$;$t{$1} += (($2*60 + $3 + $4/60)."\n");e; if(eof){for $key (keys %t) {print $key." ".$t{$key}."\n"}}' # summarize usage per user per day: (in hours) cat last.out | perl -ne '($d=$_)=~s/^.*(\w{3}) (\w{3} +\d+ \d{4}).*/$2 ($1)/s; ($u)=/^(\w+\s+)/g; s;\((?:(\d+)\+)?(\d\d):(\d\d)\)$;$t{"$d $u"} += (($1*60 + $2 + $3/60)."\n");e; if(eof){for $key (keys %t) {print $key." ".$t{$key}."\n"}}' | sort # overnight logins (probably idle, unterminated) cat last.out | fgrep + # remote-logins/ftp: cat last.out | fgrep -v -e reboot -e shutdown | perl -ne 'substr($_,0,44)=~s/^\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/print/e;s/ftp/print/e' # summarize usage/login-count/time-range per user per day: perl -ne '($d=$_)=~s/^.*(\w{3}) (\w{3} +\d+ \d{4}).*/$2 ($1)/s; ($u)=/^(\w+\s+)/g; if(/\((?:(\d+)\+)?(\d\d):(\d\d)\)$/){$t{"$d $u"} += $1*60 + $2 + $3/60} ++$count{"$d $u"}; ($start,$end)=/\d\d:\d\d/g; if($max{"$d $u"} lt $end){$max{"$d $u"}=$end} if($min{"$d $u"} gt $start or !defined($min{"$d $u"})){$min{"$d $u"}=$start} if(eof){for $key (keys %t) {printf "%s%.2f\t%s-%s\t%d logins\n",$key,$t{$key},$min{$key},$max{$key},$count{$key}}}' | sort # Setting up: /etc/resolv.conf: search foo.com nameserver # Setting up RedHat: /etc/sysconfig/network: GATEWAY= HOSTNAME=foo /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0: IPADDR= dircolors <-b|-t> # some nicer versions have --help # as in eval `dircolors -b` in /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile # ~/.dir_colors || /etc/DIR_COLORS 0 to restore default color 1 for brighter colors 4 for underlined text 5 for flashing text 3C=fore, 4C=back C: 0-7: black red green yellow/brown blue purple cyan white/gray ? YODL: Yet another doc language (source > html/man/latex) [un]pwconv # convert using /etc/passwd to using /etc/shadow XF86Setup # configure X (nice) ? netconfig # slack? ? pppconfig # RH? # Opinions on Xterms: gnome-terminal: sweet! --utmp xwininfo-geometry works! color-selection kicks ass(damn squinty blue) alt-f is not bound. nice prefs! right-mouse is good, both menu and selection slow and heavy-weight(slow alt-tab) -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-200-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 rxvt: no wtmp entry? scrollbar on wrong(left) side (lag on alt-tab away) kvt: copy/paste isn't multiline, double click stops on /, right-mouse fails, big paste buffer screws it xterm: athena scrollbar on wrong(left) side, double click stops on /, very configurable--if you decipher how (lag on alt-tab away) -*-*-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* konsole: no wtmp entry? paste gets extra spaces on last line of buffer, right-mouse fails --- Kernel module ex: root@localhost>vi heya.c #define MODULE #include <linux/module.h> int init_module(void) { printk("<1>Heya linux!\n"); return 0; } int cleanup_module(void) { printk("<1>Later, linux!\n"); return 0; } ~ root@localhost>gcc -c heya.c root@localhost>insmod heya.o root@localhost>rmmod heya --- flash: uses talk request to say from:GARBAGE and screw the terminal "This little program is intended to quickly mess up a user's" "Phrack Magazine", "Volume Six, Issue Forty-Seven" printf "\033c\033(0\033#8";printf "\033[1;3r\033[J"; printf "\033[5m\033[?5h" printf "\033(0\033#8"; printf "\033[1;3r"; printf "\033[1;5m\033(0"; printf "**\030B00"; printf "\033**EMSI_IRQ8E08" mflash: puts the flash in the mail-subject to screw pine/elm/console-mail readers --- remember not.prune maxdepth1 +111(exe) +4000(su) +2000(sg) (+any -all eq) PATH|tr\ |xargs-ls MANPATH|tr\n|xargsi-find{}name RcptMailFrom STD (DFST) -icanon|cbreak nohup fuser envi xwininfo[-root] xlsclients xprop xdpyinfo rpmp: rpm -q[p][li] -qa cpio-rel # whoami? who's logged on? what's happening? net-settings? machine-info?(OS/cpu/mem/hd) 5iwtpl 6nduhdu 3psfsns last-dmesg-uname-df mc: 3view 4vi 5cp 6mv 7mkdir 8del 10quit C-\ hot-list 2-@ run-command-on-it perl zero-width regex assertions: ?! ?= ?<= ? <script type="text/javascript"><!-- amzn_cl_tag="bigbrotherorg-21"; amzn_cl_link_target=0; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cls.assoc-amazon.de/de/s/cls.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- amzn_cl_tag="bigbrotherorg-21"; amzn_cl_max_links=20; amzn_cl_link_color="0000FF"; amzn_cl_link_style=3; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cls.assoc-amazon.de/de/s/cls.js"></script> </div><div id="bottomcontent"><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/" target="_blank" title="Get Firefox - Web Browsing Redefined"><img src="/images/getfirefox_large.png" width="98" height="31" alt="Get Firefox"></a><a href="http://www.againsttcpa.com/" target="_blank"><img src="/images/againsttcpabutton.gif"alt="notcpa"/></a></div><script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-2728432-1"; urchinTracker(); </script> </body></html>