


Using Find and Replace

In word processors, the Search feature is considered an editing tool. You can certainly use it just that way while writing in Studio, but the extended search capabilities make it a powerful tool to update site content.

You can find and replace alphanumeric strings (including regular expressions) across folders and projects and choose how tags are processed by the search engine.

Search commands

Studio provides both basic and extended levels of search and replace to help you maintain your Web pages.

Note To search the current document:
  1. Select Search > Find (Ctrl + F) to open the Find dialog box.
  2. Enter the text you want to locate in the Find what box.

    If you highlight text in the editor, it displays in the Find what box.

  3. Set the Match case, Match whole words, and Direction options.
  4. Click the Find Next button to sequentially highlight each match.
  5. To resume the search from the current cursor position after the search dialog box is closed, press F3.
Note To replace text in the current document:
  1. Select Search > Replace (Ctrl + R) to open the Replace dialog box.
  2. Enter the Find and Replace text in their boxes.
  3. Set the Match case and Match whole words options.

    In addition to the Up and Down Direction options, you can restrict the search to just a part of the document by highlighting a block of text in the editor and picking Selection.

  4. You can do a selective Replace or choose to Replace All matches.

The last 10 items are saved in the Find what and Replace what dropdown lists.

Using extended search and replace features

For more complex operations across multiple documents, use the Extended Find or Extended Replace commands. These commands offer a number of options to refine your search:

The Results pane displays a list of locations where the matched string was replaced. Double-click on a match in the list to highlight it in the document. Right-click in the Results pane to clear the pane or close it.

Note The Extended Replace command skips read-only files.

Replacing special characters

Use the Search > Replace Special Characters command to either replace extended characters with their HTML equivalents, or replace HTML tags with the equivalent extended characters. This command works only in the current document.

Replacing double-spaced lines

Because of the way different operating systems treat carriage returns, text files saved on UNIX or Macintosh systems may become double-spaced when opened in Studio. Use the Search > Replace Double Spacing with Single Spacing command to collapse double-spaced lines to single-spaced lines in the current document.

Searching with Regular Expressions

Studio supports searching with regular expressions (or RegExp) to match patterns in character strings in the Extended Find and Replace commands. Regular expressions allow you to specify all the possible variants in a search and to precisely control replacements. Ordinary characters are combined with special characters to define the pattern for the search. The RegExp parser evaluates the selected files and returns each matching pattern.

In the Find command, the matching pattern is added to the find list. In the Replace operation, it triggers insertion of the replacement string. When replacing a string, it is just as important to ensure what is not found as what is. Simple regular expressions can be concatenated into complex search criteria. Note that enabling the Regular expressions option in the Extended dialog boxes disables the Skip tags while searching option.

Thanks to Team Allaire member Christopher Bradford for his ongoing support of RegExp issues in the ColdFusion Support Forum at http://forums.allaire.com/DevConf/index.cfm.

Note The rules listed in this section are for creating regular expressions in ColdFusion. The rules used by other RegExp parsers may differ.

Studio's RegExp engine processes the entire document, it does not parse on a line-by-line basis. This affects the way the characters such the asterisk (*), carat (^) and dollar sign ($) should be used.

Special characters

Because special characters are the operators in regular expressions, in order to represent a special character as an ordinary one, you need to precede it with a backslash. To represent a backslash, for instance, use a double backslash (\\).

Single-character regular expressions

This section describes the rules for creating regular expressions. You can use regular expressions in the Search > Extended Find and Replace commands to match complex string patterns.

The following rules govern one-character RegExp that match a single character:

Character classes

You can specify a character by using one of the POSIX character classes. You enclose the character class name inside two square brackets, as in this Replace example:

"Allaire's Web Site","[[:space:]]","*","ALL")

This code replaces all the spaces with *, producing this string:


The following table shows the POSIX character classes that Studio supports.

Supported Character Classes 
Character Class Matches
alpha Matches any letter. Same as [A-Za-z].
upper Matches any upper-case letter. Same as [A-Z].
lower Matches any lower-case letter. Same as [a-z].
digit Matches any digit. Same as [0-9].
alnum Matches any alphanumeric character. Same as [A-Za-z0-9].
xdigit Matches any hexadecimal digit. Same as [0-9A-Fa-f].
space Matches a tab, new line, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, or space.
print Matches any printable character.
punct Matches any punctuation character, that is, one of ! ` # S % & ` ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ / ] ^ _ { | } ~
graph Matches any of the characters defined as a printable character except those defined to be part of the space character class.
cntrl Matches any character not part of the character classes [:upper:], [:lower:], [:alpha:], [:digit:], [:punct:], [:graph:], [:print:], or [:xdigit:].

Multi-character regular expressions

You can use the following rules to build a multi-character regular expressions:


Studio supports backreferencing, which allows you to match text in previously matched sets of parentheses. A slash followed by a digit n (\n) is used to refer to the nth parenthesized sub-expression.

One example of how backreferencing can be used is searching for doubled words -- for example, to find instances of `the the' or `is is' in text. The following example shows the syntax you use for backreferencing in regular expressions:

("There is is coffee in the the kitchen",
"([A-Za-z]+)[ ]+\1","*","ALL")

This code searches for words that are all letters ([A-Za-z]+) followed by one or more spaces [ ]+ followed by the first matched sub-expression in parentheses. The parser detects the two occurrences of is as well as the two occurrences of the and replaces them with an asterisk, resulting in the following text:

There * coffee in * kitchen

Anchoring a regular expression to a string

All or part of a regular expression can be anchored to either the beginning or end of the string being searched:

Expression examples

The following examples show some regular expressions and describe what they match.

Regular Expression Examples 
Expression Description
A URL parameter value in a URL.
An uppercase DOS/Windows full path that (a) is not the root of a drive, and (b) has only letters, numbers, and underscores in its text.
A ColdFusion variable with no qualifier.
A ColdFusion variable with no more than one qualifier, for example, Form.VarName, but not Form.Image.VarName.
An integer that does not begin with a zero and has an optional sign.
A real number.

A real number in engineering notation.
Two to four occurrences of 'a': aa, aaa, aaaa.
At least three 'ba' pairs: bababa, babababa, ...


An excellent reference on regular expressions is Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E.F. Friedl, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

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